Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
4.82 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
2.95 ms (61.19%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.sort_no AS sort_no_4, t0.display_order_screen AS display_order_screen_5, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_tradelaw t0 WHERE t0.discriminator_type IN ('tradelaw') ORDER BY t0.sort_no ASC
[] |
0.79 ms (16.48%) |
1 |
SELECT d0_.id AS id_0, d0_.page_name AS page_name_1, d0_.url AS url_2, d0_.file_name AS file_name_3, d0_.edit_type AS edit_type_4, d0_.author AS author_5, d0_.description AS description_6, d0_.keyword AS keyword_7, d0_.create_date AS create_date_8, d0_.update_date AS update_date_9, d0_.meta_robots AS meta_robots_10, d0_.meta_tags AS meta_tags_11, d1_.page_id AS page_id_12, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_13, d1_.sort_no AS sort_no_14, d2_.id AS id_15, d2_.layout_name AS layout_name_16, d2_.create_date AS create_date_17, d2_.update_date AS update_date_18, d0_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_19, d0_.master_page_id AS master_page_id_20, d1_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_21, d1_.page_id AS page_id_22, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_23, d2_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_24, d2_.device_type_id AS device_type_id_25 FROM dtb_page d0_ LEFT JOIN dtb_page_layout d1_ ON d0_.id = d1_.page_id AND d1_.discriminator_type IN ('pagelayout') LEFT JOIN dtb_layout d2_ ON d1_.layout_id = d2_.id AND d2_.discriminator_type IN ('layout') WHERE (d0_.url = ?) AND d0_.discriminator_type IN ('page')
0.29 ms (6.10%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.pre_order_id AS pre_order_id_2, t0.order_no AS order_no_3, t0.message AS message_4, t0.name01 AS name01_5, t0.name02 AS name02_6, t0.kana01 AS kana01_7, t0.kana02 AS kana02_8, t0.company_name AS company_name_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone_number AS phone_number_11, t0.postal_code AS postal_code_12, t0.addr01 AS addr01_13, t0.addr02 AS addr02_14, t0.birth AS birth_15, t0.subtotal AS subtotal_16, t0.discount AS discount_17, t0.delivery_fee_total AS delivery_fee_total_18, t0.charge AS charge_19, t0.tax AS tax_20, t0.total AS total_21, t0.payment_total AS payment_total_22, t0.payment_method AS payment_method_23, t0.note AS note_24, t0.create_date AS create_date_25, t0.update_date AS update_date_26, t0.order_date AS order_date_27, t0.payment_date AS payment_date_28, t0.currency_code AS currency_code_29, t0.complete_message AS complete_message_30, t0.complete_mail_message AS complete_mail_message_31, t0.zeus_request_data AS zeus_request_data_32, t0.zeus_response_data AS zeus_response_data_33, t0.zeus_memo AS zeus_memo_34, t0.zeus_order_id AS zeus_order_id_35, t0.zeus_sale_type AS zeus_sale_type_36, t0.zeus_credit_payment_notreg AS zeus_credit_payment_notreg_37, t0.maker_id AS maker_id_38, t0.add_point AS add_point_39, t0.use_point AS use_point_40, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_41, t0.country_id AS country_id_42, t0.pref_id AS pref_id_43, t0.sex_id AS sex_id_44, t0.job_id AS job_id_45, t0.payment_id AS payment_id_46, t0.device_type_id AS device_type_id_47, t0.order_status_id AS order_status_id_48, t0.order_status_id AS order_status_id_49, t0.order_status_id AS order_status_id_50, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_order t0 WHERE t0.pre_order_id IS NULL AND t0.discriminator_type IN ('order') LIMIT 1
[] |
0.24 ms (5.06%) |
1 |
SET SESSION time_zone = '+00:00'
[] |
0.16 ms (3.24%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.company_name AS company_name_2, t0.company_kana AS company_kana_3, t0.postal_code AS postal_code_4, t0.addr01 AS addr01_5, t0.addr02 AS addr02_6, t0.phone_number AS phone_number_7, t0.business_hour AS business_hour_8, t0.email01 AS email01_9, t0.email02 AS email02_10, t0.email03 AS email03_11, t0.email04 AS email04_12, t0.shop_name AS shop_name_13, t0.shop_kana AS shop_kana_14, t0.shop_name_eng AS shop_name_eng_15, t0.update_date AS update_date_16, t0.good_traded AS good_traded_17, t0.message AS message_18, t0.delivery_free_amount AS delivery_free_amount_19, t0.delivery_free_quantity AS delivery_free_quantity_20, t0.option_mypage_order_status_display AS option_mypage_order_status_display_21, t0.option_nostock_hidden AS option_nostock_hidden_22, t0.option_favorite_product AS option_favorite_product_23, t0.option_product_delivery_fee AS option_product_delivery_fee_24, t0.invoice_registration_number AS invoice_registration_number_25, t0.option_product_tax_rule AS option_product_tax_rule_26, t0.option_customer_activate AS option_customer_activate_27, t0.option_remember_me AS option_remember_me_28, t0.authentication_key AS authentication_key_29, t0.php_path AS php_path_30, t0.option_point AS option_point_31, t0.basic_point_rate AS basic_point_rate_32, t0.point_conversion_rate AS point_conversion_rate_33, t0.site_kit_site_id AS site_kit_site_id_34, t0.site_kit_site_secret AS site_kit_site_secret_35, t0.country_id AS country_id_36, t0.pref_id AS pref_id_37, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_base_info t0 WHERE t0.id = ? AND t0.discriminator_type IN ('baseinfo')
0.14 ms (2.92%) |
1 |
SELECT d0_.id AS id_0, d0_.category_name AS category_name_1, d0_.hierarchy AS hierarchy_2, d0_.sort_no AS sort_no_3, d0_.create_date AS create_date_4, d0_.update_date AS update_date_5, d0_.category_image AS category_image_6, d1_.id AS id_7, d1_.category_name AS category_name_8, d1_.hierarchy AS hierarchy_9, d1_.sort_no AS sort_no_10, d1_.create_date AS create_date_11, d1_.update_date AS update_date_12, d1_.category_image AS category_image_13, d2_.id AS id_14, d2_.category_name AS category_name_15, d2_.hierarchy AS hierarchy_16, d2_.sort_no AS sort_no_17, d2_.create_date AS create_date_18, d2_.update_date AS update_date_19, d2_.category_image AS category_image_20, d3_.id AS id_21, d3_.category_name AS category_name_22, d3_.hierarchy AS hierarchy_23, d3_.sort_no AS sort_no_24, d3_.create_date AS create_date_25, d3_.update_date AS update_date_26, d3_.category_image AS category_image_27, d4_.id AS id_28, d4_.category_name AS category_name_29, d4_.hierarchy AS hierarchy_30, d4_.sort_no AS sort_no_31, d4_.create_date AS create_date_32, d4_.update_date AS update_date_33, d4_.category_image AS category_image_34, d0_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_35, d0_.parent_category_id AS parent_category_id_36, d0_.creator_id AS creator_id_37, d1_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_38, d1_.parent_category_id AS parent_category_id_39, d1_.creator_id AS creator_id_40, d2_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_41, d2_.parent_category_id AS parent_category_id_42, d2_.creator_id AS creator_id_43, d3_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_44, d3_.parent_category_id AS parent_category_id_45, d3_.creator_id AS creator_id_46, d4_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_47, d4_.parent_category_id AS parent_category_id_48, d4_.creator_id AS creator_id_49 FROM dtb_category d0_ LEFT JOIN dtb_category d1_ ON d0_.id = d1_.parent_category_id AND d1_.discriminator_type IN ('category') LEFT JOIN dtb_category d2_ ON d1_.id = d2_.parent_category_id AND d2_.discriminator_type IN ('category') LEFT JOIN dtb_category d3_ ON d2_.id = d3_.parent_category_id AND d3_.discriminator_type IN ('category') LEFT JOIN dtb_category d4_ ON d3_.id = d4_.parent_category_id AND d4_.discriminator_type IN ('category') WHERE (d0_.parent_category_id IS NULL) AND d0_.discriminator_type IN ('category') ORDER BY d0_.sort_no DESC, d1_.sort_no DESC, d2_.sort_no DESC, d3_.sort_no DESC, d4_.sort_no DESC
[] |
0.11 ms (2.33%) |
1 |
SELECT d0_.id AS id_0, d0_.layout_name AS layout_name_1, d0_.create_date AS create_date_2, d0_.update_date AS update_date_3, d1_.section AS section_4, d1_.block_id AS block_id_5, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_6, d1_.block_row AS block_row_7, d2_.id AS id_8, d2_.block_name AS block_name_9, d2_.file_name AS file_name_10, d2_.use_controller AS use_controller_11, d2_.deletable AS deletable_12, d2_.create_date AS create_date_13, d2_.update_date AS update_date_14, d0_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_15, d0_.device_type_id AS device_type_id_16, d1_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_17, d1_.block_id AS block_id_18, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_19, d2_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_20, d2_.device_type_id AS device_type_id_21 FROM dtb_layout d0_ LEFT JOIN dtb_block_position d1_ ON d0_.id = d1_.layout_id AND d1_.discriminator_type IN ('blockposition') LEFT JOIN dtb_block d2_ ON d1_.block_id = d2_.id AND d2_.discriminator_type IN ('block') WHERE (d0_.id = ?) AND d0_.discriminator_type IN ('layout') ORDER BY d1_.block_row ASC
0.08 ms (1.58%) |
1 |
[] |
0.05 ms (1.10%) |
1 |
[] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
Eccube\Entity\AbstractEntity | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Product | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\BaseInfo | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Page | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\PageLayout | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Block | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\BlockPosition | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\AbstractMasterEntity | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\DeviceType | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\AuthorityRole | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Layout | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Order | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Customer | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\Country | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\TradeLaw | No errors. |
Plugin\ZeusPayment42\Entity\Config | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\OrderStatus | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\MailTemplate | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\MailHistory | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\ProductClass | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Delivery | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\DeliveryFee | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\OrderItemType | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\TaxDisplayType | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\TaxType | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\ProductStock | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Payment | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Cart | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\Sex | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\Job | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\CustomerOrderStatus | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Master\OrderStatusColor | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Category | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\Member | No errors. |
Eccube\Entity\ProductCategory | No errors. |