This file is part of EC-CUBE
Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.
{% set Categories = repository('Eccube\\Entity\\Category').getList() %}
{% macro tree(Category) %}
{% from _self import tree %}
<a href="{{ url('product_list') }}?category_id={{ Category.id }}">
{{ Category.name }}
{% if Category.children|length > 0 %}
{% for ChildCategory in Category.children %}
{{ tree(ChildCategory) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{# @see https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/2388 #}
{% from _self import tree %}
<div class="ec-headerCategoryArea">
<div class="ec-headerCategoryArea__heading">
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-coins pr-10"></i></div>
<div><a href="/category">{{ 'カテゴリー'|trans }}</a></div>
<div class="ec-headerCategoryArea__heading">
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-palette pr-10"></i></div>
<div><a href="/products/list">{{ '商品一覧'|trans }}</a></div>
<div class="ec-headerCategoryArea__heading">
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-id-badge pr-10"></i></div>
<div><a href="/artists">{{ 'アーティスト一覧'|trans }}</a></div>